Uniting denominations through the words written in the Bible. We aim to help others achieve freedom from supernatural attacks.
I started my ministry because I was led by God to do so.
In 2017, I had a dream that I was going to get three sheep. I had a round fenced-in pen and nice green grass. The Man with the sheep told me that "I wasn't ready to have sheep yet, but I would be in two months."
When I awoke, I recalled the dream and I knew the dream was important somehow and I knew the Man with the sheep was Jesus. I marked my calendar for two months, thinking soon I will have my farm...that is how "not ready" that I was.
As time passed, I had completely forgotten about the dream. In 2023, on St. Patrick's Day (3/17), I was standing in my classroom teaching my class and I had a revelation. I was struggling with completing a video for a ministry job, and I wanted to procrastinate until next week. While teaching, the electricity in the school went off for only a moment, but at that exact moment I saw a gold flash of light, then the dream of the sheep flashed before my eyes. I heard God say I am to be his shepherd and I am ready. I knew at that instant that the dream meant that I would be a shepherd for the Kingdom and that I was now ready!! Needless to say, I did not procrastinate the video. Lol. I didn't get that job, but 10 days later, I started my ministry.